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125315 Москва Ленинградский пр-кт, 80 к16 офис 605

Bath sponge WAVE

Oval bath sponge in interesting colors. Perfect for bathing in the tub and washing the body in the shower.

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Bath sponge in interesting colors, which will certainly be useful for everyday care. It is perfect for washing away impurities from the body, as well as for massages, which stimulate blood circulation and improve well-being. The WAVE sponge is distinguished by a classic, oval shape that fits well in the hand, ensuring comfortable use. Interesting pattern, four colors create fancy waves.


  • bath sponge in interesting colors
  • perfect for washing the body and energizing massages
  • oval shape ensures comfort of use
  • can be used both with only water and with the use of a bath gel
  • perfect for bathing in the tub and washing the body in the shower.

Parametry produktu

Kod EAN produktu
Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
0,015 kg
Rozmiar produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
140 x 240 x 60 mm
Rozmiar produktu bez opakowania jednostkowego
145 x 95 x 50 mm

Opakowanie zbiorcze

Ilość w opakowaniu zbiorczym
60 pcs.
Waga opakowania zbiorczego brutto
0,9 kg
Waga opakowania zbiorczego netto
0,78 kg
Wymiary kartonu zbiorczego
800 x 640 x 100 mm
Objętość kartonu zbiorczego
0,051 m3