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125315 Москва Ленинградский пр-кт, 80 к16 офис 605

Pumice nail brush

Hand and nail brush in a pumice mat, perfectly cleans dirt and removes rough epidermis. It does not cause irritation, leaves the skin clean and tidy.

Как на картинке
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Поделиться продуктом:

Reliable hand brush with pumice stone, helps to take care of one’s hands, as well as keep the bathroom tidy. Its timeless shape and notched handle make it comfortable to use. Densely packed, hard bristles perfectly remove dirt from hands and nails, without irritating the skin. The pumice stone attached to the brush is a way of even more profound care. The brush can also be useful during minor cleaning in the bathroom. Excellent quality of workmanship allows the brush to retain its functionality for a long time.


  • perfectly cleans dirt, leaving the skin clean and tidy
  • pumice stone, which was attached to the brush, effectively cleans callous epidermis, improving the appearance of the hands
  • notched handle prevents the brush from slipping out of the hands during use
  • high quality of the materials used affects the comfort of everyday use
  • product resistant to external factors, retains its properties for a long time.

Parametry produktu

Kod EAN produktu
Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
0,03 kg
Rozmiar produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
90 x 50 x 40 mm
Rozmiar produktu bez opakowania jednostkowego
90 x 50 x 40 mm

Opakowanie zbiorcze

Ilość w opakowaniu zbiorczym
24 pcs.
Waga opakowania zbiorczego brutto
0,72 kg
Waga opakowania zbiorczego netto
0,648 kg
Wymiary kartonu zbiorczego
191 x 176 x 91 mm
Objętość kartonu zbiorczego
0,003 m3