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Производство и оптовые поставки товаров для уборки
125315 Москва Ленинградский пр-кт, 80 к16 офис 605

Microfiber cloth 1 pc. AZUR

Super-absorbent and very efficient microfiber cleaning cloth, leaves no streaks or scratches on the furniture. Perfectly absorbs spilled liquids.

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Super-absorbent and very efficient AZUR cleaning cloth, perfect for removing dust, all kinds of small dirt and bothersome grease stains. Definitely a better alternative to ordinary cleaning cloths, thanks to the fact that it is made of microfiber. It is very easy to rinse and dries quickly. Thanks to its properties, it absorbs up to 6 times more water than it weighs.


  • excellent cloth for wiping dust and for removing dirt from any type of surface
  • made of microfiber, leaves no streaks or scratches on the furniture
  • perfectly absorbs spilled liquids
  • great quality of workmanship allows for long-term use
  • can be washed repeatedly in the washing machine to maintain hygiene.

Parametry produktu

Kod EAN produktu
Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
0,021 kg
Rozmiar produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
400 x 70 mm
Rozmiar produktu bez opakowania jednostkowego
300 x 300 mm

Opakowanie zbiorcze

Ilość w opakowaniu zbiorczym
100 pcs.
Waga opakowania zbiorczego brutto
2,1 kg
Waga opakowania zbiorczego netto
1,7 kg
Wymiary kartonu zbiorczego
315 x 315 x 170 mm
Objętość kartonu zbiorczego
0,017 m3