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125315 Москва Ленинградский пр-кт, 80 к16 офис 605

Cotton MOP head MAXI

Enlarged cotton mop head — cleans large surfaces in one go. Recommended for cleaning tiles and laminate floors, poured and terracotta floors.

Как на картинке
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Поделиться продуктом:

Mop head made of cotton, consisting of many high-quality strings. The cotton weave ensures high efficiency during cleaning and the possibility of multiple uses, while maintaining the structure of the weave. This mop base is equipped with a thread made of extremely durable material. Recommended for cleaning tiles and laminate, poured and terracotta floors. The size of the head allows for washing larger surfaces in a shorter time.


  • the highest quality cotton strings
  • extremely durable screw thread, universally compatible with the handles available in our offer
  • for cleaning tiles, laminate floors and terracotta
  • max size
  • cleans large surfaces in just one go.

Parametry produktu

Kod EAN produktu
Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
0,157 kg
Rozmiar produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym
150 x 370 x 80 mm
Rozmiar produktu bez opakowania jednostkowego
140 x 350 x 70 mm

Opakowanie zbiorcze

Ilość w opakowaniu zbiorczym
24 pcs.
Waga opakowania zbiorczego brutto
3,768 kg
Waga opakowania zbiorczego netto
3,48 kg
Wymiary kartonu zbiorczego
400 x 300 x 216 mm
Objętość kartonu zbiorczego
0,026 m3