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Производство и оптовые поставки товаров для уборки
125315 Москва Ленинградский пр-кт, 80 к16 офис 605

On 1st of July, YORK PL introduced a Code of Ethics.

It forms the foundation of our activities in the field of broadly understood professional and social ethics, ensuring the implementation of the company’s mission as well as our vision and strategy for development.

Thanks to the procedures set out in our Code of Ethics, we make every effort to ensure YORK PL will be successful in business, enjoying the recognition as a Partner in Cleanliness.

As far as our business partners are concerned, the Code of Ethics constitutes important information about the patterns of conduct and core values adopted at YORK PL, taking into account the needs, rights, and expectations of the external environment.

Our main principles, resulting from the Code of Ethics, are:

  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Partnership
  • Responsibility
  • Support

Familiarize yourself with our Code of Ethics

Zgłoś naruszenie zasad etyki